Getting Started with SWEpy pipeline

SWEpy has a range of functionality, but the main use case is obtaining SWE data within a given study region without needing massive amounts of disc space.

SWEpy needs two key things to be instantiated:

  1. Upper Left and Lower Right Bounding Coordinates (EASE Grid 2.0 orientation)

    • These can be entire grid names (“N” = North grid)

  2. Working Directory Path

If you would like to scrape data from EarthData, SWEpy also needs:

  1. Username and Password for EarthData

  2. Start and End Date of Desired Time Series

Basic Use for Scraping Area of Interest Cubes

The swepy.pipeline module contains the Swepy class, which is our main tool for getting and subsetting SWE data.

In order to scrape, subset, and concatenate imagery into a single time cube, we only need to give Swepy the four parameters listed above.

import swepy.pipeline as pipeline

upper_left = [lon_upleft, lat_upleft]
lower_right = [lon_lowright, lat_lowright]

start =, startM, startD)
end =, endM, endD)

path = os.getcwd()

username = <username>
password = <password>

swepy = Swepy(path, upper_left, lower_right, high_res = True)
swepy.set_login(username, password)
swepy.set_dates(start, end)

SWEpy set_ functions

When you instantiate the Swepy class you provide your desired bounding coordinates and whether you would like to scrape high resolution imagery or not. However, in order to scrape imagery we also need your Earthdata login and a date range.

  • Setting Dates: swe.set_dates(start_date, end_date)

    • Dates are datetime objects

  • Setting Login: swe.set_login("username", "password")

While SWEpy asks you to set your bounding coordinates when you instantiate your class, you can always reset it:

  • Setting Grid: swe.set_grid(upper_left, lower_right)

    • Each coordinate is a list of two floats: [lat, lon]

Scraping Entire Grid Imagery

Instead of subsetting data based on an area of interest, SWEpy also supports scraping entire grids instead. In order to do this, all you need to change is set the bounding corners to the grid name:

  • North: “N”

  • South: “S”

  • Equator: “T”

upper_left = "N"
lower_right = "N"

Preset Information Stored in SWEpy

SWEpy is optimized to get SWE data in the hands of researchers as quickly as possible. This means that in order to reduce the number of parameters you need to pass to the class we had to make some decisions for you:

  • Morning Imagery will be used (as oppposed to evening) to reduce wet snow impacts

  • 19H and 37H 6.25km and 3.125km images will be downloaded respectively

  • SWEpy will choose a grid (N,S,T) based on the provided bounding coordinates

  • Optimal Sensor (Nimbus7 –> F19) for each year will be used

    • Many years have more than one available sensor, and they vary in quality